What is kiteboarding and kitesurfing?
Kiteboarding or kitesurfing (as it’s referred to in Europe) is one of the most exhilarating and fast growing sports we have come to experience. It is a combination of paragliding, sailing, wakeboarding, surfing and more in one compact easy to learn the sport. You use a kite to manipulate the wind to sail and jump over water, land, or even snow. Ride whatever you want where ever the wind blows with only the power of nature at your back.
Is kiteboarding for everyone?
Absolutely, anyone with a will to learn can do it! We have had women, men, and children from ages 6 to 80 years old. It’s a technical sport that requires no upper body strength since we use a harness strapped to our waist to carry the load of the kite. With some easy tips and trick from our certified instructors, you will be able to fly the kite with very little effort. If you want to take your kite skills into the water, we do require all students to be able to swim. That is the only requirement for kiteboarding!
What courses does KPR offer to beginners?
We offer and recommend a 3-day course for beginners. This 3-hours per day lesson package is for anyone wishing to learn all the necessary basic skills to have a safe and fun start to kiteboarding. By the end of our 3-day beginner lesson you should be water starting and be able to do everything leading up to the board. KPR knows all the skills you need before the board and what makes you a real independent kiteboarder.
What skills do I need before taking lessons?
You need to know how to swim if you decide to take the kite to the water level. You do not need any prior kite or sport skills to be able to start kiteboarding. If you have skills in other sports like paragliding, skydiving, sailing, windsurfing, wakeboarding, surfing, or snowboarding, it could have a positive impact on your learning curve.
How long does it take to learn?
We generally say it takes a minimum of 9 hours of private lessons to learn the basics of kiteboarding so you have all the skills needed to be 100% on your own. The learning curve will depend on each individual. If you have prior skills in Sailing, wakeboarding, or other sports related to kiteboarding, it will help speed up the process. We know the most important things are everything leading up to the water start. Once you know how to check the wind, set up properly, launch safely, water re-launch, body drag to recover your board, and perform a self-rescue, and know all safety procedures, then you are on your way to becoming an independent kiteboarder. The board and riding are not the most important things, it’s the most fun and it’s the ultimate goal for sure, but the things that are in between and come before are what makes you a real kiteboarder! It could take someone 6 hours to achieve independence or 16 hours. We do our best and take no shortcuts to ensure you do the best you can at your own pace.
How much wind do I need to kite?
The amount of wind we need depends on the equipment and skill level you have. Ideally, we would like a minimum of 9-10 knots of wind to be able to learn how to fly the kite and have enough power to drag us across the water. It is possible to fly in 6-7 knots but requires more skills and light wind specific gear. The steadier the wind the better. We do not push lessons on if the wind is not appropriate for the task or skill set for the day.

Can children take kiteboarding lessons?
This will very much depend on the attention span of the child. We have had a wide range of ages and kids take lessons with us, and it’s a very fun and interesting process. Kiteboarding is fun but needs to be taken seriously. Within two hours of lessons, we will be able to determine whether or not your child is fit for kiteboarding. We have equipment specifically for kids, making it safer and more fun. We also recommend a fun go on our Tandem kiteboarding adventure to get them into the feel and thrill of the sport!
What is IKO and why is it important?
IKO is the International Kiteboarding Organization. It’s a worldwide International certification for kiteboarders and kite instructors. All of our instructors go through a training course to become IKO instructors. After years of practice once reaching the appropriate level and confidence on a personal riding level they go into a training program called AITC Assistant instructor training course. It’s a 5-day course to become an IKO assistant instructor. If and once passed, they go into another week program called the ITC (Instructor training course) to become a Level 1 IKO instructor. We follow the IKO teaching standards and steps to make sure all our students get the best chances at becoming 100% independent riders. Its been developed over years and years to make it the fastest way to learn without sacrificing any safety or steps. All our students will leave with an IKO certification card and online registration to the level they reached with us.
Do I need to be in good shape to kiteboard?
A basic level of fitness is all you need. We have gear fit for all levels and sizes.

What equipment do I need to Kiteboard?
During your lessons with us, we provide all the equipment that is needed. The equipment consists of a kite, pump, bar with lines, a safety leash, harness, board, helmet, and a life vest.
When is the best time to kiteboard in Puerto Rico?
The official windy season in Puerto Rico is from mid-November until the end of August. We are conveniently located to get the best of the winds all season long. Winds range from 16-25 knots 20+ days a month.
How many students per instructor at KPR?
We teach private lessons or semi-private lesson with a maximum of 2 students per teacher. We find this to be the most efficient method for teaching Kiteboarding. It is faster, safer, and focused. We highly recommend private lessons. This way you get your own equipment and private instructor for your specific pace and needs. We do not recommend large group lessons. With the latter, you will not learn as fast and there is a sacrifice to safety and service in large groups.

Can I purchase gear with KPR?
Yes! KPR is the exclusive dealer for the leading brands "North Kiteboarding" and “Mystic” in Puerto Rico. We have all the gear in stock on the island! You will be taught with the latest and greatest gear available on the market. We have all equipment for sale for kiteboarding, foiling, and wing foiling and a KPR pro will be happy to guide you in the right direction. We work with brands we truly believe in; this is why we give you the chance to try and let the gear speak for itself.
Browse our store and find all the gear you need.
What can we do if there is no wind?
We have Electric Hydrofoil experiences on a flat water lagoon in the mangroves!
Want to learn how to fly above the water like you are on a magic Carpet ride!
This One hour experience will take you through the basic of safety and learning how to ride and fly with the E-Foil.